Sunday, May 1, 2011

Assignment 4.2

I went through several tutorials already so here's some of the history of the commands and whatnot I've done and went through.
I mostly followed the video from the previous blog posts and went through a lot of videos from this website

    1  pwd
    2  cd documents
    3  pwd
    4  history
    5  printf history
    6  history
    7  clear
    8  history
    9  pwd
   10  cd ..
   11  cd ..
   12  cd ..
   13  cd ~
   14  pwd
   15  ls -al
   16  cd videos
   17  ls -al
   18  cd /usr
   19  pwd
   20  ls -al
   21  cd ..
   22  cd videos
   23  cd ~
   24  cd videos
   25  pwd
   26  history
   27  history>history.txt

Here's also a few scripts I had already practiced on making. This script says hi to the user, sets random variables, write a string and then gives the computer command back.

echo "The Script Starts now."
echo "Hi, $USER!"

echo "I'm setting two variables now."
echo "This is a string: $COLOUR"
echo "And this is a number: $VALUE"

echo "I'm giving you back your prompt now."

Here's another practice one that counts down to party time.


for ((i=10; i>0; i--)); do
echo $i
sleep 1

echo Party Time!

I also found a useful script of getting a youtube video but I didn't write it out myself so I don't take credit.

#Youtube Video Downloader
#coder ref: Anil Dewani

read -p " URL :" url
read -p "Name the video(no spaces please) :" name
wget ${url} -O source.txt >/dev/null 2>&1
videoid=$(echo $url | awk -F "v=" '{print $2}')
ticket=$(grep "&t=" source.txt | awk -F "&t=" '{print $2}' | cut -d"&"
rm -f source.txt
wget ${downloadurl} -O ${name}.flv >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "Video Download Succesfull. File saved as ${name}.flv"

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