Thursday, May 5, 2011

Completed Hourglass Counterpoint

Hourglass Counterpoint

Here's the finished piece for IFDM Flor's independent study. I'm pouring most of my time now into programming a loading screen since the blank screen is a bit of a turn off. I'm very proud of this project over the course of the entire semester.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Final Project

#Jaclyn Huchel

read -p "Name of Video :" name
read -p "Name of New Video :" newname
read -p "Fill Color :" fcolor
read -p "Opacity(0-100) :" opac
read -p "Border Color :" bcolor

ffmpeg -i $name.avi -r 12 -f image2 $name-%04d.jpeg
IMAGES=`ls *.jpeg`
composite -dissolve 50% -gravity southeast logo.png $IMG $IMG
mogrify -bordercolor $bcolor -border 5 -fill $fcolor -colorize $opac $IMG
echo $IMG

ffmpeg -f image2 -i $name-%04d.jpeg -r 12 $newname.avi
rm *.jpeg
echo Complete

Assignment 4.3

This code takes my initial animation of a reflective planet surface with dancing rings, reverses the frames, numbers the frames, then compiles it back together with any color border the user desires. 

#Jaclyn Huchel

read -p "Name of Video :" name
read -p "Name of New Video (no spaces please) :" newname
read -p "Font Color :" color
read -p "Border Color :" bcolor

ffmpeg -i $name.avi -r 12 -f image2 $name-%04d.bmp

IMAGES=`ls *.bmp`
for IMG in $IMAGES
mogrify -flop -bordercolor $bcolor -border 10 -pointsize 50 -fill $color -font courier -annotate +100+100 "${i}" $IMG

ffmpeg -f image2 -i $name-%04d.bmp -r 12 $newname.avi
rm *.bmp

Monday, May 2, 2011

WIP for Hourglass Counterpoint Preview

Here's a screenshot of PaintTool SAI which I use for all of my drawings in the preview novel of Hourglass Counterpoint that I'm doing for Flor's Spring 2011 Independent Study. It is similar to Photoshop but better for artists who use the wacom tablets. Photoshop is more articulated towards messing with photographs and Paint Tool SAI is more oriented for original creations from scratch/sketches.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Assignment 4.2

I went through several tutorials already so here's some of the history of the commands and whatnot I've done and went through.
I mostly followed the video from the previous blog posts and went through a lot of videos from this website

    1  pwd
    2  cd documents
    3  pwd
    4  history
    5  printf history
    6  history
    7  clear
    8  history
    9  pwd
   10  cd ..
   11  cd ..
   12  cd ..
   13  cd ~
   14  pwd
   15  ls -al
   16  cd videos
   17  ls -al
   18  cd /usr
   19  pwd
   20  ls -al
   21  cd ..
   22  cd videos
   23  cd ~
   24  cd videos
   25  pwd
   26  history
   27  history>history.txt

Here's also a few scripts I had already practiced on making. This script says hi to the user, sets random variables, write a string and then gives the computer command back.

echo "The Script Starts now."
echo "Hi, $USER!"

echo "I'm setting two variables now."
echo "This is a string: $COLOUR"
echo "And this is a number: $VALUE"

echo "I'm giving you back your prompt now."

Here's another practice one that counts down to party time.


for ((i=10; i>0; i--)); do
echo $i
sleep 1

echo Party Time!

I also found a useful script of getting a youtube video but I didn't write it out myself so I don't take credit.

#Youtube Video Downloader
#coder ref: Anil Dewani

read -p " URL :" url
read -p "Name the video(no spaces please) :" name
wget ${url} -O source.txt >/dev/null 2>&1
videoid=$(echo $url | awk -F "v=" '{print $2}')
ticket=$(grep "&t=" source.txt | awk -F "&t=" '{print $2}' | cut -d"&"
rm -f source.txt
wget ${downloadurl} -O ${name}.flv >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "Video Download Succesfull. File saved as ${name}.flv"