Thursday, April 14, 2011

Video Cygwin Notes

A few notes for myself on Shell
  • The shell is a program running within the terminal.
  • There are many available to run in the terminal.
  • Each shell has a certain style of how it presents itself in the terminal and different patterns of working with input/output. 
Bash Shell
  • One of the many shells available.
  • Usually a default shell.
Layout of Unix
  • / = root directory
  • /bin = Programs found here
  • /etc = Configuration and data files.
  • /dev = Lists attached devices such as files.
  • /home = Users home folders stored here.
  • /lib = Library files program depend on.
  • /tmp = temporary file cache.
  • /usr = programs accessed by users. 
  • /var = variable file size cache for temp files.
Navigating Directories
  • cd = change directory
    • cd /  to go to the root directory.
    • cd.. to go to the parent directory
  • pwd = Print working directory (of what you're looking at at the time)
  • ls = lists files and folders (warning that it might list alot)

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